荷蘭因鬱金香而聞名於世porn ai换脸,而紐約的羅契斯特市則以另一種花,紫丁香,而出名。
世上有500多種紫丁香,而高地公園(Highland Park)則擁有1200多株的紫丁香灌木叢。1888年時,世上第一大苗圃Ellwanger & Barry (擁有者是George Ellwanger及Patrick Barry)將高地公園贈與羅契斯特市的住户。它的骄傲好意思麗,園內有翠綠的樹木及众多的灌木叢,何况是好意思國境內的首座市立植物園。植物園是專門用來训诲樹木、灌木及植物的方位。1892年時,園內的紫丁香種類只好20種。自1898年起,羅契斯特每年五月皆會舉辦紫丁香節。第一次舉辦時,共诱惑3,000名游客前來參加,而現在的紫丁香節則诱惑了500,000多名游客前來觀看紫丁香花过火他的開花樹木及灌木。
紫丁香為灌木及矮樹植物porn ai换脸,開花季節為春季及初夏;它的橢圓形大型花簇是由許多小花組成,葉子是深綠色,花朵的香味濃郁而顏色則有淡紫色、深紫色、白色或粉紅色;紫丁香源自東歐及亞洲,隨早期的歐洲殖民移至北好意思。高地公園內,一些最早期的紫丁香是東歐巴爾幹山脈(Balkan Mountains)的花朵後代。
The Netherlands is known for its tulips. Rochester, New York, is known for another type of flower - the lilac.
There are more than 500 varieties of lilacs and more than 1,200 lilac bushes at Highland Park. In 1888, the world's largest nursery, Ellwanger & Barry, owned by George Ellwanger and Patrick Barry, gave Highland Park to the people of Rochester. It was beautifully landscaped with trees and shrubs and was the first municipal arboretum in the United States. An arboretum is a place where trees, shrubs, and plants are specially grown and cultivated. The park's collection of lilacs originally started with 20 varieties in 1892. Since 1898, Rochester has held a Lilac Festival every May. The first event attracted 3,000 visitors; now more than 500,000 people come to see the lilacs and other flowering trees and shrubs.
Lilacs are shrubs and small trees that flower in the spring and early summer. They have large oval clusters of small blossoms and deep green leaves. The blossoms are fragrant and can be lavender, deep purple, white, or pink. Lilacs are originally from Eastern Europe and Asia and were brought to North America by early European settlers. Some of the first lilacs planted at Highland Park are descendants of the flowers from the Balkan Mountains in Eastern Europe. 1/1 頁
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